Thursday , March 13 2025

Lions Club donates six tablets to elderly

The Saba Lions Club on February 5 donat­ed six tablets to the Love and Independence For El­ders (LIFE) programme and the Henry Carlyle Ev­ery Home for the Aged.

The donation is the result of the combined efforts of corporate citizens, the Saba Lions Clubs and the Client Council of the Henry Carlyle Every Home for the Aged. The tablets will be used by clients of the LIFE programme and the Henry Carlyle Every Home for the Aged to “commu­nicate with the outside world,” particularly family and friends, and also as a means to keep them occu­pied during the day.

LIFE programme clients accept the tablets from Lions Club representatives, while staff and administrative personnel of the programme look on.

Chairperson of the Cli­ent Council Franklin Wil­son and representative of the Saba Lions Club Carl Buncamper said the mis­sion of their respective or­ganisations is to enhance the quality of life of the elderly.

Nursing staff and volun­teers will teach the elderly clients how to use the tab­lets. LIFE programme rep­resentative Dahlia Lavia and clients of the Henry Carlyle Every Home for the Aged thanked those involved for taking such a great initiative. Recipients of the donation were said to be “extremely happy” and showed their appreciation for the tablets.

The Daily Herald.

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