Wednesday , March 12 2025

Civil Servants Take Oath of Office

On Tuesday, March 27th, 2018, most civil servants of the Public Entity Saba took their Oath of Office in front of The Executive Council during a ceremony held in the auditorium of the Saba University School of Medicine. Those who were unable to take the oath on this day, due to shift work or other reasons, will be able to take it during a separate ceremony. The oath of office, in accordance with article 41 of the Rechtpositiebesluit Ambtenaren BES, is a promise that a civil servant makes, to uphold the rules and regulations of government.

Since a large number of civil servants had not yet taken their Oath of Office, the Public Entity decided to have all civil servants do it collectively, to show solidarity and commitment.

During the ceremony, Island Secretary Tim Muller gave a presentation of the continued development of Saba and the meaning of good governance within the Public Entity. Motivational speaker, Dr. Natasha J. Gittens, spoke about the significance of a promise given, making ethical decisions and performing to a high standard. Island Governor Jonathan Johnson also addressed the gathering with an explanation of the oath and then led the official taking of the Oath of Office. The civil servants signed their certificates as proof that the Oath of Office was taken, and submitted one copy for the Public Entity’s records. Lunch and a social hour followed the ceremony.

GIS Saba

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