Wednesday , March 12 2025

The Laura Linzey Daycare Center has a vacancy to be filled as Caregiver

The Executive Council of the Public Entity Saba would like to inform the public of the following:

At the Laura Linzey Daycare Center, there is a vacancy to be filled as


We are looking for an enthusiastic caregiver who stimulates the physical, social, and emotional development of the children. Being a caregiver includes planning, executing and assessing the activities according to our daily routine. You will teach and nurture the children with patience and creativity.

Daily tasks:
• Takes physical care of the children (feeding, washing, etc.);
• Designs activities and follows the daily (high scope) routine;
• Uses a variety of activities and instructional methods (songs, stories, media, structured games, art, outdoor activities etc.) to motivate and stimulate children’s abilities;
• Maintains an open line of communication with parents and provides appropriate information;
• Observes the development of children and reports these;
• Takes responsibility for the management, hygiene, and order of the classroom and acts upon signs of illness;
• Works together with caregivers, parents, and management in the best interest of the children.

Other tasks:
• Prepares children for the transition to a next age group or primary school;
• Keeps a record of behavior and development of the children and reports this to the director;
• Organizes meetings for parents and guardians in consultation with the director to inform them of the development of their children;
• Assists if needed with other activities at the daycare and performs duties of similar or within the line of work.

Skills and knowledge:
• General and specific expertise for the care and guidance of children;
• Knowledge of the current rules for hygiene and safety while working with children;
• Insight into the development phases of children;
• Skills in the care and guidance of children;
• Skills in the detection of childhood illnesses;
• Good communication skills;
• Flexibility and teamwork;
• Confidential about children ‘s development and well-being;
• Willingness to learn and educate yourself.

• According to the Government Salary Scales.

How to apply:
If you are interested in this position, you are kindly invited to submit your application letter and CV, no later than the May 2″d, 2018 to the Personnel Department of the Public Entity Saba, or email: miquela.qumbs@sabagov. nl.

Join the King's Day bazar in the Bottom on Friday, April 27
Volunteers needed for disaster management exercise in May

One comment

  1. Cameisha Bracken

    Is this still available??