Thursday , March 13 2025

Child Focus organised international chess tournament

On April 21, 2018 the Chess Clubs of Child Focus Foundation Saba C.N. and St. Dominic High School Sint-Maarten met for the third annual Chess Tournament.

This year’s winner is Leroy Goocharran of team Saba. The second place went to Edward Zeagers of team Saba and Third Place went to Romario Mills of team Sint-Maarten. The Competition was played according to the double elimination process, which means that the winners of each game continue on playing against each other. This also is the case for the loser of each game. The end game is played against the winner of the winners team and the winner of the losing team.

The winners:
Leroy Goocharran, Edwin Zeagers, Romario Mills (Ltr)
(Photo Child Focus)

The idea behind the Tournament is to teach children the game of chess, to meet other teens that are interested in the sport, to make new acquaintances and to have an event to look out for.
Since the Child Focus teens visited Sint-Maarten last year, this year Sint-Maarten came to Saba. Most teens never visited Saba and they were very happy to have the chance to visit the island they can see on a daily basis on their horizon. The teens spent two nights on Saba and did several other activities together, such as a beach BBQ and hiking up Mount Scenery.

Child Focus is of the opinion that events like these are extremely important for the development of our youth, since this will give teens the chance to travel and visit countries within the Kingdom they would otherwise never visit. Also it is a great way for teens to experience a positive experience after the devastation of hurricanes Irma and Maria.

Child focus


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