Thursday , March 13 2025

The Public Entity Saba expands annual clean up campaign

Annually the Island Government host a one-day island-wide clean-up in June. As of this year, the initiative will be expanded to an annual weekly event. The last week of May will officially be dubbed “Keep Saba Clean Week.” The hope is that during this week the community at large can come together and clean up our beloved “Unspoiled Queen.”

The aim along with cleaning up the island is to eradicate mosquito breeding grounds and promote recycling. The Sacred Heart School has planned a recycling project in the week leading up to Keep Saba Clean Week and along with the Saba Comprehensive School will also join in the clean-up.

As we prepare for the upcoming hurricane season, which will officially begin in this same week, this occasion will also be an opportunity to remove loose debris, which may cause a risk in the event of a storm. Additionally, the Island Government would like to stimulate the community to make use of this opportunity, with support from the Public Works Department, to discard loose materials or any large items in their yards.

The Island Government is calling on all capable citizens, businesses, organizations and social groups to help make this event a success. Garbage bags, gloves, water, and transportation, will be provided by the Public Entity, for this purpose registration is encouraged.

The schedule for the week will be on bulletin boards around the Island and the Government’s social media pages. For more information and signing up to join, you can email or call +599-416-3311 ext. 252. Persons who haven’t signed up in advance are still welcome to participate.



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