On Wednesday morning the official Saba Summer Festival Schedule for 2018 was officially presented to me in my capacity as Commissioner with responsibilities for Culture and Economic Development by the treasurer of the Saba Festival foundation, Ms. Julieta Woods.

I am extremely contented that once again we will be celebrating our annual summer festival which starts on July 23 and goes on until July 29, 2018. This year we decided to have seven days of celebration based on several factors. We realize that it is somewhat challenging finding the sponsors like in other years due to the passing of the hurricanes. It is no secret that we rely heavily on sponsorship coming out of St. Maarten. With the many problems that hurricane Irma and Maria has caused to businesses we do not expect the type of sponsorship that we were accustomed to, however, we are grateful for those businesses that have already shown interest in our week of activities.
I want to thank the promoters for showing interest in the events, and I would also like to encourage the many troupe leaders that are showing interest in coming out to play mass. I would also like to thank the members of the board for accepting the challenge to organize and coordinate the entire week of events.
I am happy to know that this year we are featuring our national drink Saba Spice and I call on all citizens to come out in grand numbers and support the events. I am satisfied with the set-up of the entire program as it is focusing on all ages. I am pleased that this year after many years we will also be having the steelpan as part of the week. I look forward with much anticipation in us all having a joyous Saba Summer Festival. We are celebrating our 43rd anniversary and let us make this Saba Fest 43 one to remember. I would want to wish each and everyone a safe Saba Summer Festival, and I hope that you all enjoy it. I am extending a warm Unspoiled Queen welcome to all our friends and families from around the world to come to little Saba and relish with us.
As Commissioner with responsibilities for Culture, I am honored to have the opportunity to present the key to the village to a selected group of persons that has played an essential part in our Saba Summer Festival for many years. At a later date, I will announce the names of those persons that will be receiving the key to the village. I call on the youth of our island to get more involved. I have been informed that the Children parade will be held on July 22nd and I applaud the organizers of this. This year we will have two of our local bands which consist of some of our talented youth performing. I am also being told that this year even our senior citizens will be parading throughout the streets of The Bottom during the grand parade. From what I am gathering all age groups will be celebrating this our 43rd anniversary, let’s do it in grand style Saba and keep it safe.
GIS Saba