Wednesday , March 12 2025

Restoration pension rights education sector completed

The “Pensioenfonds Caribisch Nederland”, PCN, has completed the investigation for the recovery of the individual pension rights of employees in the education sector. It concerns the pension rights which were partly not, or not properly, mentioned in the administration of the former pension fund APNA. After completing an extensive investigation, the pension rights of approximately 150 employees in the education sector in the Caribbean Netherlands are restored.

In 2010 the education employees of Saba, Statia and Bonaire of the “Algemeen Pensioenfonds voor de Nederlandse Antillen” (APNA) switched to the “Pensioenfonds Caribisch Nederland” (PCN). It appeared that the pension rights were not (properly) registered. Part of the staff missed (a part of) the built pension.

PCN ordered an investigation into the pension rights (built in the period from 1998 to 2010). This extensive investigation was carried out by Mrs M. Sambo of “Montae Carribean”, supported by Mr. H. Marapin on behalf of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. Purpose of the investigation was to make clear which employees are still entitled to which pension. The investigation is now completed. The Ministry of Education, Culture and Science has made a total of approximately USD 3.1 million available for the  recovery of the pensions. However, in this way the employees concerned will receive the pension to which they are entitled.

The employees whose pension will be restored, will receive information from the PCN this summer. This fall PCN will also send an adjusted “Uniform Pensioen Overzicht”  to the employees, in order to make the adjustment transparent. PCN will also organize consultation hours to answer any questions.

For more information you can contact mrs. M. Silberie of RCN/OCW (through ).

This week in the news was the fact that PCN is granted an extra deposit of USD 31 million from the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations. More information on this can be found on the site of RCN:


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