Wednesday , March 12 2025

Cooperating Funds conclude working visit to Saba, Static

The project advisor of the Coop­erating Funds for the Dutch Caribbean (Samenwerkende Fondsen Cariben (SFC)) in St. Maarten, which cater to St. Maarten, Saba and St. Eustatius in providing funding op­portunities for social endeavours, hosted a working visit and funding-information sessions on Saba and Statia.

SFC was set up more than 14 years ago, as a collaborative effort to support social initiatives on the Dutch Caribbean islands, regardless of their status within the Kingdom.

The organization is facilitated by six funding agencies in the Netherlands; Fonds Sluyterman van Loo, Innovatief­onds Zorgverzekeraars, Kansfonds, Oranje Fonds, Stichting Kinderpostzegels and the newly joined Roomseh Catholijk Oude Armen Kantoor (RCOAK).

On Monday. June 18, Saban and Statian non-governmental organisations were invited to attend an information session to inform them about funding opportunities for projects with a social goal.

Organisations with ongoing projects or which have submit­ted project proposals previously were also in attendance as  there was an opportunity to discuss progress and new ideas.

A similar session was hosted in St. Maarten in March, whereby multiple organisations were visited by a delegation from the Netherlands as well.

Persons who missed this opportunity may call project coor­dinator Fleur Hermanides at tel. 586-0808 for more informa­tion on possible financial assistance for social projects. For more information visit: A downloadable funding application form can be found on the website.

The Daily Herald.


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