Wednesday , March 12 2025

Trade mission to visit Saba, Statia

In­terExpo Caribbean NV in Curacao will organise its 27th trade mission “Connecting sustain­able businesses from the King­dom of the Netherlands, Carib­bean region and Suriname” to St. Maarten on November 27 and 28 Trade mission partici­pants will make business visits to Saba on November 29 and to St. Eustatius on November 30. To coordinate these busi­ness visits InterExpo has ap­pointed Norako NV and its director Koos Sneek to work as InterExpo’s counterpart for Statia. Dave Levenstone will be working as InterEx­po’s liaison on Saba.

Sneek and Levenstone will get in contact with organisa­tions and local stakehold­ers in Statia and Saba in the coming weeks to work out a programme that will bring local and visiting businesses together, stated InterExpo’s Director Peter Oerlemans. InterExpo has been organ­ising trade missions, con­gresses and events with an international character in the Caribbean, the Netherlands, Europe, Asia and North and Latin America since 1992.

Previous events focussed on wind and solar energy, tourism, construction, on and offshore, second homes, partnership, health, (fire) safety and environment, water management, (glass) recycling, financial services, transport, telecommunica­tions and sustainability in the Caribbean part of the King­dom of the Netherlands.

The Daily Herald.

Simon Wilson leaving Saba
CFT again compliments Saba for sound finances

One comment

  1. On July 26 -28,2018, a mini trade exposition,of Trinidad & other Caricom islands’small business products ,was staged in St Eustatius. The purpose for hosting this event, which was organized and sponsored by Kultur Sails Enterprises, a small trader establishment,in Trinidad,was mainly meant to create opportunities for small business enterprises within the Caribbean region, inclusive of Statia, to forge linkages,with an aim to advertise and develop new business relationships.
    The Mini Expo was successful. Kultur Sails Enterprises thanked the Tourism Foundation, public organisations,individuals and small business owners who participated in the sales promotion of local goods.
    As CEO of Kultur Sails Enterprises, I believe there exist great scope for business development within the Caribbean regions, and I look forward to being invited to join the team of entrepreneurs, led by Mr Koos Sneek, in its quest to stage Inter Expo on St Eustatius.
