Thursday , March 13 2025

Saba businesses participate in client relationship course

Members of the business community in Saba benefitted from a client relationship management course, which was facilitat­ed by President of Training Professionals International (TPI) Natasha Gittens and her team on Thursday, Octo­ber 18, in Saba.

A similar course will be held for the business community in St. Eustatius in Novem­ber. The course was part of a training development pro­gramme organised by the Chamber of Commerce in SL Eustatius and Saba. Customer Service Mobile Academy (CSMA), an af­filiate company of TPI co­ordinated the training. TPI launched its sister company CSMA because it recognised that facilitating trainings at the location of organisations offered convenience, com­fort and allowed participants to feel comfortable while learning.

Course participants Maricelly Johnson, Lina Ramirez, Lorna Simmons, Arisleidy Hassell, Mayela Cabral Hassell, Cecilia Gonzales and Amanda Aguirre.

CSMA facilitates globally accredited courses in the Caribbean that directly helps service industry employees learn international current trends, exposes them to best practices in guest service ex­cellence and teaches them how to deliver service that is memorable, encourages re­peat visits and supports high ratings on social media. The course includes topics such as the new millennium ap­proach to customer service, attitudes for service, cus­tomer service best practices, going above and beyond and managing customer expecta­tions, amongst other topics. “There are certain customer service skills that every em­ployee must master if they are forward-facing with cus­tomers. Without them busi­ness owners may run the risk of finding their business in an embarrassing customer ser­vice situation or you’ll simply lose customers as your ser­vice continues to let people down. This course will also provide participants with an overview of organizational culture and define how or­ganisations are driven,” Git­tens said.

Some participants shared their thoughts on the course. “A positive attitude will take you a long way. Thank you for coming to Saba and mak­ing me a better employee and better person,” participant Lina Maria Ramirez said.
“I have been working in customer service for over 15 years. Somewhere along the way I lost my motivation and my attitude changed. After this course, I am recommit­ted to providing customers with the best service pos­sible. I was able to highlight my weaknesses, be inspired and recommit,” participant Cecilia Gonzalez said.
“I learned the importance of listening to clients, col­leagues, professors and all people I interact with daily. I will go above and beyond going forward to deliver the best service possible,” Lorna Simmons said.

The Daily Herald.

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Enjoy Saba through the eyes of Heleen Cornet