Wednesday , March 12 2025

Kas Sigur training for Saba and Statia professionals

The Welfare and Society Directorate launched the Dare2C­are Safe Statia campaign to bring more awareness on domestic violence at the Mega Musical Experi­ence in February. This was followed by the Kas Sigur training, arranged by the Ministry of Justice and Se­curity for Saba and Statia professionals on Statia last week.

Desire Frans from Bonaire speaks to participants.

Training facilitator was Desire Frans from Bo­naire. Representing Saba were Monique Wilson (CYF Saba), Lucrecia Paulina and Marva Sim­mons representing the Saba government. Other attendees were Robin Peeters (Children Guard­ianship), Brenda van Putten (Slachtofferhulp),
Monica Smith and Suyne Robins (CYF) and Eliza­beth Jones (CCC).

Domestic violence and child’s right policy coordi­nator Dirkje de Jong said it is also important pro­fessionals develop their knowledge and see how they can support, not only victims but also perpetra­tors.

The probation officer al­ready works in a compul­sory framework with the Kas Sigur method, aimed at preventing the repetition of domestic violence. “We also want to use this way in preventive assistance, be­fore it runs out of control and police and court are in­volved”. De Jong said.

The Kas Sigur method provids insight into why someone exhibits this be­haviour and how this per­son can get a grip on their anger — how to react differ­ently. Not only the perpetrator is involved, but part­ners or their children. There is still too much do­mestic violence on Statia and children are too often part of it, De Jong said.

On Sunday, November 25, a silent march to mark international Day of the Elimination of Violence against women, men and children will start at 5:00pm at Charlie’s place. To learn more about tack­ling domestic violence, visit

The Daily Herald.

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