Friday , March 14 2025

Beautification initiative to prepare for Saba Day, tourist season

The Saba Government has started a general clean-up and beautification initiative in anticipation of Saba Day and the tourist season.

In consultation with Commissioner Bruce Zagers, the Public Works Department has started preparations to carry out the project in the different locations. A number of areas have been identified and work has already started in some locations by the Public Works crew.

A general cleaning will take place at Fort Bay. This includes the road from the harbour to the gas station. Creating cross walks at the harbour to improve the safety for pedestrians are in the planning for next year. In The Bottom, all old-fashioned style streetlights will be fixed and the Wilhelmina Park get a thorough clean-up.

The plaque at Lambee’s monument at the lookout at Giles Quarter near St. John’s, which was placed there in honour of the man who built the road, engineer Josephus “Lambee” Hassell, will be removed temporarily. This is to prevent damage to the plaque as the large rock on which it is placed might fall due to erosion. Also at St. John’s, cleaning will be done on the Dancing Place Trail.

The road widening project at St. John’s is progressing.

The project to widen the road at St. John’s in order to improve safety is ongoing. To facilitate the widening of the road, the Saba Government purchased the house at that location. The house, which was in a bad state, was torn down to make space for the road reconstruction.

In Windwardside too the old-fashioned style streetlights will be fixed. The wall work by the ATM of the RBC Bank is ongoing and should be completed shortly. The wall work is the last part of the project to widen the road at that location. The wooden railings at the parking lot in front of the Tourist Office and at the church will be fixed. The parking lot will be tidied up and the lights fixed. The plan to put a crosswalk in place between the parking lot and Bizzy Bee will be carried out next year. The road leading to the start of the Spring Bay Trail will be spruced up.

The general idea is that an extra effort is made to have the roads and villages look good for Saba Day and for the tourist season, said Commissioner Zagers, who urged everybody to help keep the island clean.


Thom de Graaf to Dutch Caribbean
More than 100 recipients assisted under Saba Recovery Funds Houses program

One comment

  1. Just a thought…. Some of the trails are in poor condition. Tourists want to hike but if they go on some of the lesser trails they will be met with difficult hiking. Tara’s Ground, Bud’s Mountain to name two… the steps to Crispeen overgrown and with rockslides.