Wednesday , March 12 2025

Five receive Certified Nursing Assistants certificate in Saba

Five employ­ees of the Saba Health Care Foundation and Benevolent Foundation grad­uated as Certified Nursing Assistants on Friday, No­vember 23.

Standing from left: Cheralyn Cox, Lorna Frederick, Alujah Rivers, Chadiska DeRoche, Beverly Cox. Sitting are Antonio Pantophlet and Brunilda lllidge.

The five completed a seven-month course from May to November to obtain their certification. The five graduates Beverly Cox, Ch­eralyn Cox, Chadiska DeR­oche, Alujah Rivers and Lorna Frederick, received their diploma as certified nursing assistants, with Frederick graduating Cum Laude.

St. Maarten Medical Center (SMMC) Educa­tion Department repre­sentatives Brunilda Illidge and Antonio Pantophlet facilitated the Nursing As­sistant course. Illidge made frequent trips to Saba to hold classes during the en­tire seven-month period. In addition to their training in Saba, the students were required to complete two weeks of practical and the­oretical training at SMMC.

“The students performed exceptionally well during the course and on their fi­nal exam. I am very proud of the dedication and pas­sion shown by all the gradu­ates during their studies,” Pantophlet was quoted as saying in a press release from SMMC on Monday. SMMC’s Education De­partment members Panto­phlet, Illidge and Vitalia Richardson travelled to Saba for the final exami­nations and to attend the graduation ceremony. They joined the nurses, man­agement and staff of Saba Health Care Foundation in celebrating the joyous occasion with the nursing graduates, SMMC said.

The nursing assistants can further their studies in the field of nursing with contin­ued efforts, it was stated in the release. Course facilita­tors applauded the initia­tive taken by the manage­ment of Saba Health Care Foundation in providing such an opportunity for their staff.

The Daily Herald.


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