Wednesday , March 12 2025

Calibration inspections and training on Saba

Inspections were carried out earlier this week at all locations on Saba that use weights and scales. In the same week a training took place in the field of inspection of weights and measurements.

From December 4 to 6, a team, under the watch of Head of Economic Affairs and certified inspector Dave Levenstone visited all supermarkets, the airport, the post office and the fuel station to check if the weigh equipment and the scales were correctly set. Correctly calibrated weights and scales are important for both the consumer and the entrepreneur.

The on-site inspections were the practical part of a four-day training conducted by Henk Bartels, an inspector at the Radio Communications Agency of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate EZK. Philbert Ryner, Jonas Charles, and Jerome Mathew from Saba participated in the training. They already had training in the past for the electrical meters on Saba and also on Statia. During the training and inspection this week, they fine-tuned their knowledge on how to inspect and to calibrate.

Mathew, who is employed at Public Works, was very positive about the training facilitated by Bartels. “This was the third time that I took part. These trainings provide me the opportunity to brush up on my knowledge and to learn how things work. I found it positive that we did not only get theory, but also practice. The work that we do as inspectors is important for consumers and the businesses,” said Mathew.

The participants of the training with their certificate. Second from left is trainer Henk Bartels and third from left is Commissioner Rolando Wilson
(Photo GIS Saba)

In cooperation with the St. Maarten Ministry of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport and Telecommunications (TEATT), it was decided that three persons from St. Maarten would participate in the training and the inspections. The training and inspections provided the opportunity for the St. Maarten team, consisting of Nelson Rombley, Marcando Winklaar and Genaro Smith to learn about the calibration system and the laws in the Caribbean Netherlands. At the end of the four-day training and inspections, all trainees received a certificate.

“We came here to get more advanced on calibration and to get more know-how of measurements. We also learned how the calibration of electricity and water meters work. It was a very useful training,” said Rombley.

Winklaar said the St. Maarten team was very thankful for the opportunity provided to take part in the training. He specifically thanked Dave Levenstone and facilitator Bartels whom he said provided “very informative” information. “We were able to upgrade our knowledge which assists us to continue serving our community,” he said. Winklaar explained that there was a difference in regulations between St. Maarten and Saba, and that this provided an additional dimension to the training.

Bartels explained that during the training, the participants looked into the updated Caribbean Netherlands calibration law (“IJkwet BES”) which was adapted in 2017. Participants were refreshed on their knowledge of this law and the new calibration techniques.



There will be a follow-up training in Amersfoort, the Netherlands for the three persons from Saba, together with St. Eustatius and Bonaire, most probably in June 2019. Levenstone will also attend the training in the Netherlands to get an update on the new technologies.

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