What was the number of inhabitants onBonaire, St Eustatius and Saba in 2017? How many children attended primary school ,and how many students were in secondary education? What were the main trends inthe local labour market, and how many tourists visited the islands?
The answers tothese and more questions can be found inthis new edition of Trends in the CaribbeanNetherlands 2018. This edition further includes two broad thematic chapters, which discuss migration to and from the Caribbean Netherlands and the structure of the local education system on the three islands. Growing demand from the Dutch central government has resulted in the compilation of new statistics and an increase in available data.
Trends in the Caribbean Netherlands provides updated as well as new information, covering many aspects of life in the Caribbean Netherlands.
The edition before you includes data on all three islands with topics including consumer prices, fire fighting, inbound tourism by air, international trade, nature and environment, life style and they oung people of the Caribbean Netherlands.
This publication gives an impression of the diversity in facts and figures provided by Statistics Netherlands. The information can also easily be accessed through our press releases, available on our website, www.cbs.nl/nl-nl/dossier/caribisch-nederland. In addition, all our key figures can be found in our online database StatLine (statline.cbs.nl), on our Facebook page(www.facebook.com/statistiekcbs.cn) and on our Twitter account (@statisticscbs). I hope you find Trends in the CaribbeanNetherlands 2018 a useful, enjoyable source of information.
Director General,Dr T.B.P.M. Tjin-A-Tsoi