Wednesday , March 12 2025

Vice-president of the Council of State, mr. Th.C. de Graaf, visits Bonaire, Saba and Statia

The vice-president of the Council of State, Mr. Th.C. de Graaf, who was appointed in November last year, will bring an introductory visit to Bonaire on Friday 18th and Saturday 19th of January 2019.

Mr. De Graaf will talk among others with the acting Kingdom Representative, the Island Governor and members of the executive council about the socio-economic and political-administrative challenges for the island. He will also visit several projects and will speak with residents.

Thom de Graaf, de twintigste vice-president in de geschiedenis van de Raad van State.

Thom de Graaf, who has visited the islands several times as minister and parliamentarian, will visit the other Caribbean parts of the Kingdom, because of his new function.
After visits to Curaçao and Aruba he will visit Saba and St. Eustatius on January 20th and 21st.There, he will be informed, among other things, about the progress of a number of specific projects and he talks with governors and politicians, but also with representatives of social organizations and the business community.

After a visit to St. Maarten, vice-president De Graaf will return to The Netherlands on January 22nd.
During his visit he is accompanied by the secretary of the Council of State, Mr. R.K. Visser, and council advisor drs. R. van der Veer.

The Council of State is the most important advisor for legislation and administration in the Kingdom and the highest administrative court of The Netherlands.


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