Wednesday , March 12 2025

Average monthly salary in the BES is by far the highest on Statia

In 2017, the average remuneration per employee job on Bonaire amounted to 2,050 US dollars gross per month. On Saba and St Eustatius, the average monthly pay stood at 2,285 and 3,150 US dollars, respectively. In this calculation, no adjustment has been made for part-time jobs. Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports this based on new figures.

Approximately one-quarter of all employee jobs on Bonaire earned less than 1,000 USD per month. These were probably part-time jobs. For 37 percent of all employees, gross monthly wages were in the range between 1,000 and 2,000 US dollars. Nearly 40 percent of employees earned more than 2,000 US dollars per month.

A similar distribution is found on Saba. On St Eustatius, the different categories are distributed more evenly over the total number of jobs. Nearly two-thirds of all employee jobs pay more than 2,000 US dollars per month.

Increase on Bonaire and St Eustatius

Over the period 2011-2017, average job wages increased on both Bonaire (+3 percent per year) and St Eustatius (+4 percent per year). Wages remained more or less stable on Saba (+1 percent per year). Saba and St Eustatius have a relatively small number of jobs, which means any minor changes will have a relatively large impact on the total outcome. The pattern of development is therefore rather dispersed.



The public administration sector on Bonaire has seen wages increase since 2011. The sectors accommodation and food services, trade and business services have lagged behind, however.

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