Thursday , March 13 2025

Delegation Rijkswaterstaat visited Fort Bay Harbor

A delegation of the Sea and Delta Department of “Rijkswaterstaat,” part of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management (I&W), visited Saba on Wednesday, February 6. During their visit they saw the ongoing development of the landfill, the water project, the airport and agricultural projects. However, the main focus of their visit was the Fort Bay Harbor.

Rijkswaterstaat shares the view of the Public Entity Saba that major investments in the harbor are highly necessary. Investments are important for several reasons, according to Sea and Delta Managing Director, Theo van de Gazelle. “It is important to have a good harbor for the future. It is important to have a safe harbor for tourism and cargo. But it is also important as an island to have a good alternative port of entrance when for example the airport is closed. You need that second option,” said Van de Gazelle, who added that Rijkswaterstaat gladly contributed to Saba’s development.

Rijkswaterstaat coordinates and manages projects of the Dutch Government in the area of infrastructure. The department also handles permits for infrastructural projects. The department will handle a part of the construction permit for the multi-million Fort Bay harbor project which is in the planning phase.

At the landfill, the delegation was shown the new air burner and the recycling facility. Van de Gazelle said he liked Saba very much. “The island’s nature, the people, the quaint villages, the cleanliness.” The two other members of the Rijkswaterstaat delegation were Ron Minnaar and Paul van Straten. The delegation visited St. Eustatius before Saba and will visit St. Maarten and Bonaire next.

GIS Saba


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One comment

  1. Now we have to solve the first problem, the Air connection. We are ready!