Wednesday , March 19 2025

RCN launches Information campaign on Island Council Elections

On Wednesday, March 20th 2019, residents of Saba and Bonaire can vote for the Island Council Elections. In order to inform the residents about the voting process, the Rijksdienst Caribisch Nederland (RCN) will launch an information campaign on February 6th . This campaign will run alongside the information campaign for the Electoral College Elections.

The campaign will consist of, not less than, newspaper advertisements, posters, tv commercials and radio ads. In addition, a large countdown timer, that counts down to the day of the elections, will be placed on Bonaire. The slogan “who will speak on your behalf?” seeks to make voters think. By casting your vote, you choose who will speak for you in the Island Council.

The information campaign will cover the entire voting process. Highlights are, amongst others: what do you need to bring to the polling station? What is considered to be a valid form of identification? How do you authorize someone to vote on your behalf? What are the procedures if your voting pass is lost? Where are the polling stations located? Etc. The campaigns on Saba and Bonaire have been made island-specific for recognizability and optimal reach. For example, local models are used in ads and the information is giving in English, Papiamentu and Dutch.

RCN is implementing the information campaign on behalf of the Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations. The public entities are responsible for organizing the elections.

Visit for more information or go to our Facebook page Island Council Elections 2019. Who will speak on your behalf? Vote on March 20th!


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