Wednesday , March 12 2025

Knops: “BES Air does not meet requirements to start operations” – UPDATE

The site “BES Reporter” published an article describing the efforts of the company BES Air to start operations in the Caribbean Netherlands. Mr. Wim Hesselink, CEO BES Air, objects to the content of this article. Read his views on the situation below the original article.

BES Reporter:

BES Air B.V. does (by far) not meet the requirements as of yet to start flights between the BES islands. This can be understood from a letter on the matter, which State Secretary Knops sent to the Second Chamber earlier today.

The letter from Knops is a response to complaints by the BES Air BV that the start-up of the flights was being hampered by an excess of bureaucracy on the Dutch side. According to Knops’ letter, this is not the case.
“I am aware of Mr Hesselink’s ambition to connect the BES islands by air. To be able to start flying. BES Air BV needs an operating permit to be issued by the Ministery of Environment and Transportation and the Inspectorate of Air Transport (ILT) Mr. Hesselink has been in discussions with the ILT for some time, said Knops.

According to Knops. the ILT takes the position that under the current regulations no operating license can be issued to BES Air BV among other things due to the lack of an Air Operators Certificate (AOC) and because the requirements laid down in the Decree regulated are not met and occasional air transport BES, including the requirement that the company in questions should be in posession of aircraft.

BES Air wants to use aircraft of the type Cessna Grand Caravan (in the photo) and Dornier 328.

Affordable connections
Knops also writes in his letter that the subject of affordable (air) connections does have his attention. “Mr. Hesselink links his case to the desire of the government to achieve affordable and reliable connections between and to the Caribbean islands of the Kingdom. The Ministry has commissioned a study into connectivity within the Caribbean. recently presented to your Chamber. The report outlines developments, public interests and possibilities for (air) transport in the Caribbean parts of the Kingdom. “Knops said in his letter to the Dutch Parliament.

The State Secretary also writes that this year the Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management will, in consultation with the countries and public entities, explore options for improving the level of connectivity between Sint Maarten, Saba and Sint Eustatius and between Bonaire and Curacao.

BES Reporter.

Comment from BES Air on the above article from BES reporter:

Dear Editor,

We want you to correct your article right away on BES Air, your comment “does not meet by far” is regarded by us as an insult. All our documents are up to date for about 2 years now and it is the Dutch Government that is default all the time and they are the ones that are responsible the airline is not yet established.

BES Air B.V. does meet the requirements needed to fly . This negative post needs to be corrected as soon as possible, because this post is harmful for our business.
The only problem we had with the Civil Aviation Authority was the BES law.
The BES law says that a aviation business established on one of the BES islands needs to buy aircraft first and register them in the Netherlands and only than we can get a possible permit. That is the world upside down.
Like building a house and asking a building permit afterwards. No one does that.
ILT told us we could establish our business outside the BES islands, so we did. We received the permit from the French Civil Aviation Authority to fly from Grande Case.

Regards ,
Wim Hesselink
CEO BES Air bv

Click HERE to read what the site BES reporter adds.


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