Wednesday , March 12 2025

World Health Day observed this Sunday 

On Sunday April 7, World Health Day is being observed in many parts of the world, and Saba is no exception. Commissioner of Public Health Rolando Wilson pointed out the importance of having a healthy life style.

“Our health should be everyone’s priority and especially when we can do something about it.

It is important to make everyone aware what steps should be taken to stay healthy. We are spreading the word of having healthy lifestyles in the schools, churches and in the community at large,” stated Wilson.

The Commissioner remarked that in today’s world, including on Saba, mankind faces many diseases, such as obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, certain cancers, joint and bone problems. These diseases are often related to a healthy life style. This year’s theme of World Health Day is ‘Universal Health Coverage for Everyone, Everywhere.’

“Health is a human right. We are a small island and we need to make sure that we do all that we can to spread the word about the benefits of living a healthy lifestyle. It is important to eat healthy and to eat in moderation. It is important to exercise and to drink a lot of water and to cut back on drinks that are harmful to our health. It is important to engage in sports activities and if you can’t run or jog, just walk. Also, get enough rest for the body and mind,” said Wilson.

“If we all try and make an effort it will definitely help us to have a better and longer life with less ailments and diseases. I ask you all to work on improving your health. I have started working on my health and I know it is not an easy task, but I won’t give up and neither should you,” said the Commissioner, who encouraged people to make use of the Saba Fit Park in The Bottom. He said the Public Entity Saba aims to install a few more of these fit parks throughout the island in the future.

The Fit Park is the location for an event on Sunday, April 7 starting at 5:00pm to commemorate World Health Day, organized by the Public Entity Saba and the Saba Health Care Foundation. Commissioner Wilson will say the welcoming word, while Head of the Department of Public Health Koen Hulshof will talk about universal health care and how Saba is doing in this regard. Afterwards, there will be a walk from the Fit Park to Wells Bay Road.

GIS Saba

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