Wednesday , March 12 2025

Saba Lions Club marks 42 years of community service

The Saba Lions Club celebrated its 42nd anniversary on Thursday, June 6.

The Lions Club has been serving the community of Saba under the Lions Club International motto “We Serve”. The club has been actively combatting blind­ness and poverty, bringing joy to the children of Saba at Christmas time by offer­ing them gifts, and assisting students in need of educa­tional supplies during the past 42 years. The club’s signature project Meals on Wheels gained the Saba Li­ons Club recognition at the International Convention in Germany in 2013.

Members of the Saba Lions Club, which marked its 42nd anniversary on June 6.

The members of the Saba Lions Club are grateful to the community at large for its support and to the many stakeholders and business partners for their support over the last 42 years and counting. The club also expressed its gratitude to the public entity Saba for its continued support when called on.

As we enter our 43rd year of existence, we pray that we will be able to continue serving the community of Saba with the same zest and zeal as the community has grown accustomed to expe­riencing from this club. In closing, we remember our fellow Lions who have gone before us, and most recent­ly Charter Member Lion Samuel “Guy” Johnson. May they all rest in peace,” the Saba Lions Club said in a statement.

The Daily Herald.

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