Wednesday , March 12 2025

CBS: Neighbourhood choice on Saba differs per country of origin  

People born in the former Netherlands Antilles and Aruba and migrants partly choose other residential areas in St. Eustatius and Saba. Among migrants there is a difference in residential area preference between migrants from Europe and North America, and migrants from Central and South America. This is evidenced by the latest figures of Statistics Netherlands (CBS).

Proportionally, people born in the former Netherlands Antilles and Aruba live most frequently in St John’s and least frequently in Windwardside. Windwardside is popular among immigrants from North America and the European Netherlands. Many people with an own home business reside in this neighbourhood; the houses here usually are slightly bigger. A relatively large number of immigrants from Central and South America live in St John’s.




Source: Table Saba & St Eustatius, population by neighbourhood, 2017

State Secretary Van Ark, Commissioner Wilson launch pilot project
State Secretary Van Ark visits Saba