Wednesday , March 12 2025

Temporary subsidy scheme launched to prevent robberies

On July 1st, Schadefonds Geweldsmisdrijven launches a temporary subsidy scheme for preventative measures to reduce robberies on houses or companies. The Schadefonds provides this subsidy on behalf of the Ministry of Justice and Security (JenV).

Research has shown that persons or companies that have been robbed and who do not take (additional) preventive measures, have a greater chance of being robbed again. To reduce this chance, the Ministry provides a subsidy of up to €1000 for taking preventive measures, such as installing outdoor lighting, camera surveillance or organizing a robbery training for staff. To be eligible for the subsidy, individuals and companies must meet a number of conditions. For example, the regulation only applies if during the robbery violence was used or threatened with. Applications can be submitted for robberies committed after January 1st, 2019. The temporary scheme is applicable until 2022. For more information about the conditions or about submitting an application, visit

On April 1st, 2019, the regular scheme of Schadefonds Geweldsmisdrijven was introduced in the Caribbean Netherlands. Schadefonds Geweldsmisdrijven provides a one-off compensation payment to victims of a violent crime with serious psychological or physical injury. This also applies to surviving or close relatives of the victims of a violent crime. Since the introduction of the Schadefonds in the Caribbean Netherlands, 25 applications have been submitted: 18 from Bonaire, 2 from St. Eustatius and 1 from Saba. A number of decisions have already been made. With the compensation, the Schadefonds acknowledges, on behalf of the society, the injustice that has been done to them. In this way, the Schadefonds contributes to restoring trust and it does justice to victims and their loved ones.


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