Wednesday , March 12 2025

Big boulder crashes down from Paris Hill

A large boulder came down from Paris Hill on Sunday evening and hit a family home in The Bot­tom. No one was injured in the incident. The crashing rock caused a large hole in one of the dwelling’s outer walls and damaged part of the kitchen and a window. This reportedly is not the first time that rocks have come tumbling down from Paris Hill. The large boul­der fell down during the heavy rainfall that started on Sunday and continued Monday.

The large boulder that caused a big hole in the wall of a family home in The Bottom.

The Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute’s KNMI’s weather report for Monday mentioned a risk of heavy (thunder)storms, possibly with heavy pre­cipitation and gusts up to 75 kilometres per hour (45 miles per hour). The risk of showers will gradually de­crease today, Thesday, the weather bureau reported.

Due to the heavy rains, which caused rocks and debris falling on the roads, Fort Bay Road and Well’s Bay Road were closed on Monday. The public entity Saba advised road users to proceed with caution and not take any unnecessary risks.

Part of the kitchen was also destroyed.

The heavy rain also took its toll on the Carnival cel­ebrations in Saba. Sunday’s Last Lap Parade was post­poned until Monday, but initially was called off altogether due to the persistent rainfall.

When the weather fi­nally cleared up Monday afternoon, the green light was given and Saba Sum­mer Festival was properly closed off with the last pa­rade, which kicked off at 3:00pm.

The Daily Herald.

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