Thursday , March 20 2025

SHS school board reacts to “opinion” letter

In response to the “Letter to the Editor” of last Friday concerning the possible issues at Saba’s Sacred Heart School, the Board requested to have the following reaction published:
Reaction to: “The real Sacred Heart School situation on Saba”
The school board and management of the Sacred Heart School on Saba hereby invites the unknown “concerned Saban” writer to discuss the content of his/her writing with the board, as this has not been done.
The board can be contacted via email at  
Monique Wilson
President SKOSaba
Note from the Editor:
This response refers to this “Letter to the Editor“.
Police report of Saturday, January 25th until Monday , February 10th 2020
Opinion: Parent raises serious issues about Sacred Heart School


  1. Yes..I,so agree that there are usually proper channels to travel down first..prior to Media. Just Saying.

  2. Proper example of what is wrong. That response just reflect everything the author say.

  3. No response would have been better! What a prime example of everything the author conveyed in their letter to the editor, take some responsibility!! I’m sure this individual would have never taken matters this far if they felt as though they were being heard by the school board and management! Shame, Shame, Shame…