Wednesday , March 12 2025

Monday, March 16: Address from the Island Governor Jonathan Johnson on Covid-19

Address of Lieutenant Governor Jonathan Johnson to the residents of Saba:

Medical referrals

The Saba Health Care Foundation communicates the following:

To all our patients,

Earlier this morning the Governor announced that starting this week there will be travel restrictions in place due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. To prevent the introduction of COVID-19 to Saba, travel is limited to essential travel only.

All medical travel is essential travel. We can understand that there might be patients who would want to postpone their trip for medical specialist visits and procedures.
Patients who would want to postpone their medical travels are asked to contact our Clinic from Monday, March 16.

Patients with questions about their scheduled medical visits and the travel restrictions can also contact the clinic as of tomorrow.

For questions contact Physician Assistant Julie Diaz at 416-3288 EXT 251 or Manager Client & Patient Care Lisette Riley at 416-3288 EXT 240

GIS Saba

Warning concerning self medication in case of suspected Covid-19 infection (updated March 17)
Horacio Oduber Hospital in Aruba takes measures due to Coronavirus infections