Wednesday , March 12 2025

St. Martin records a sharp rise in COVID-19 cases, and first death

St. Martin saw a sudden jump in coronavirus COVID-19 cases on Sunday, with two cases hospitalized, one confined to home, and the first recorded death linked to the virus, the Prefecture and regional health authority ARS reported.

  Not counting two patients who previously recovered, and the one deceased, total active cases have now risen to 15 in St. Martin (nine in hospital, six isolated at home).  St. Barths still remains stable with five cases, all confined to home.

The deceased was a 61-year-old male, resident of St. Martin, who after a road accident a week ago suddenly displayed respiratory symptoms at home on March 25. He was immediately transferred to the Louis-Constant-Fleming Hospital under the strict protocols of transport and health safety in the context of suspicion of coronavirus COVID 19 infection.

Complementary examinations of the patient revealed that he had a comorbidity of two chronic conditions complicated by the trauma of the accident. He unfortunately passed away despite treatment on the morning of March 26. The result of his COVID-19 test was returned positive on March 27.

ARS concluded that the patient’s death was caused by “multiple factors” but COVID-19 was “very probably” a determining factor. The investigation surrounding this death is being conducted by Public Health France in addition to tracing who he may have been in contact with.

ARS urged the population to stay at home and only go out if absolutely necessary and to follow religiously the hygiene barrier measures.

“We continue to call for the solidarity of everyone to apply and respect the national protection instructions.”

The Daily Herald

Prime Minister & Chair of the EOC Silveria Jacobs Updates on COVID-19 Developments MARCH 29, 2020
Flight ban extended!