Tuesday , March 11 2025

Compliance and Enforcement Regarding the Corona Virus Crisis

Even though few or no infections have been detected on the BES islands, it is still necessary to adhere to rules and guidelines, because an infection is still possible, and it can spread at lightning speed. To this end, the islands have ratified new emergency regulations and the Public Prosecutor’s office has adapted the transaction table accordingly.

Fortunately, many still stick to the rules. However, we continue to find it necessary to warn of the consequences of violations. Not only do you put other people in danger, but also yourself! If necessary, the public entity will issue a penalty order. The Public Prosecutor’s office imposes fines and fast hearings can take place. The police and extraordinary agents of police will strictly monitor compliance and have the authority to draw up official reports, for example at gatherings of too many people, or for not following the quarantine measures. The amounts below are the starting point and can increase if the situation requires customization.

The public entity, the police, the Court and the Public Prosecution Service have no desire to impose fines. We prefer people to stick to the rules, it is in everyone’s interest that we prevent contamination as much as possible. Personal responsibility works much better than coercion. Do it for the vulnerable people in our society. Do it for all of us, keep your distance!

Openbaar Ministerie BES

50 positive COVID-19 cases now on Dutch side, 34 male, 16 female
Navy vessel Zr.Ms. Karel Doorman will set course to the Caribbean on Monday