Wednesday , March 12 2025

Police control adherence to emergency measures

Caribbean Netherlands Police Force KPCN of­ficers have been carrying out controls in St. Eustatius and Saba in recent days to check residents’ compli­ance with the ban on social gatherings as mentioned in the emergency ordinances in connection with the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic.

A group of people who were barbecuing on the beach at Orange Bay on Easter Sunday, April 12, were asked to leave. Three other persons were asked to leave Gallows Bay,

KPCN reported Friday. On Easter Monday, April 13, a number of people were asked to leave during a police patrol along the Orange Bay and Zeelandia beaches.

Several people were checked and requested to leave a grocery store at John E. Mars Road and a minimarket at Dr. H.A. Korthalsweg during a po­lice patrol on Thursday, April 16, as too many per­sons were gathered in or around both businesses.

KPCN officers also car­ried out controls in Saba in recent days, to check compliance with the emergency ordinance.

Three persons were warned not to go out­side their house on Sun­day April 12. Three other people were warned about being illegally out on the public road on Wednesday, April 15, the police said.

KPCN also reported a theft from a car parked on Vincent A. Lopes Road in St. Eustatius on Thursday, April 16. Unknown persons broke a side window of the vehicle, which consisted of a plastic flap, and removed a sound system and several other items.

The Daily Herald.

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