Wednesday , March 12 2025

Saba lock-down extended till May 10 – Some relief allowed

On April 24, Island Governor Jonathan Johnson has send the following message to Saba residents:

(Note : please be patient when downloading through a slow internet connection)

In summary:

The Outbreak Management Team (0MT) has advised to extend the lock-down period for an additional fourteen (14) days, until May 10th 2020, when an update on the lock-down will be given.

As stated earlier, it is important to continue with two consecutive incubation periods without any new community cases, before we can reasonably assume that the virus will not spread further. This is necessary because of the possibility that an infected person can sometimes only have very minor or even no complaints or symptoms, and therefore not realize that they have the virus.

While the lock-down will be extended, after careful consideration, it has been decided to adjust some of the imposed restrictions in order to make life in lock down a bit easier, while still limiting the risk of spreading Covid-19 as much as possible. However it is important to stress that social distancing still needs to be adhered to at all times.

A special exemption is given for some outdoor activities:

Persons are allowed to go for walks only within their village between the hours of 6-8 am and between 4-6 pm. You are only allowed to walk with persons from your own household. If you encounter others while on your walk, you must practice social distancing. No specific exemption will be required for walking.

Below are the updated processes which go in effect on April 26th, 2020:


All schools, day cares and after school programs will remain closed.


Persons needing to go to the ATM can request to do so by emailing

The RBC will be open next week Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  And Monday, Wednesday and Friday the week after. From 8 am until 11 am for appointments only. If you need to go to the bank, email  at least 24 hrs in advance, in order to make an appointment

Medical Care

All persons who are in need of medical care are required to call the clinic first at 416 32 88 ext 221. For patients that call with Covid-19 symptoms the hospital has set up an emergency drive in area. It is located under the ambulance corridor. This is to separate the possibly infected persons from the general hospital building and at the same time it limits the amount of personal protective equipment (PPE) usage that would be needed for house visits. These people will be requested by the hospital to come visit the drive in and is via appointment only.

Old Age Home

The home will continue to be in a lock-down.

Gas Station

The gas station will be open during regular working hours, for persons working in essential services, persons in the exemptions categories and others who have received special permission to be on the road in order to complete certain tasks. A. Only 1 vehicle at a time will be allowed by the pump/gas station. Other vehicles should wait at the entrance until signaled to enter.


The supermarkets will continue with a delivery service only.


Hardware and construction material suppliers will be allowed to open but for delivery only.

LPG/Cooking gas

A delivery service has been arranged and will continue as is.

Meals on wheels

Meals on wheels will continue, but will only be done via delivery. Pick-ups are still not allowed at this time.


Telecom and Electricity

Saba telecom and Saba electric will be communicating any adjustments, which will occur with their own processes.

Water Delivery for cisterns

Water delivery will still be possible during this time. Interaction with drivers must be limited. Online banking payment is preferred.

Cargo Delivery

HES, Island Communication Services and Saba Educational Services, will be able to deliver cargo packages to their owners.


As of Sunday April 26th, restaurants will be allowed to open for lunch and dinner via a delivery service only.


Bakeries may continue providing their product to the grocery stores, but they may also provide a delivery service to households.

Help Desk

A help desk has been set up to assist with any questions you may have on the various social and economic relief packages. Please send your enquiry to info&

Community Development

To those who may be struggling in any way at this time, help is available. Please contact our Community Development department at 416 6197 or email your concerns to


The OMT has decided on the following:

  1. Farmers and Animal Owners can farm and tend to their animals between 6-9am and 3-6pm. They may also deliver their product to stores or clients during these hours.
  2. Saba Electric essential workers are provided an exemption.
  3. Saba Telecom essential workers are provided an exemption.
  4. Fishermen: Commercial fishermen are allowed to continue fishing and delivering to clients.
  5. Boat owners who have a boat in the water can inspect their mooring and boat during the timeslot of 6-10am.
  6. Recreational Fishing will be allowed but persons must request permission for a specific day and time period. They must also list the names of the persons who will be participating. The request must be sent to
  7. General Exemptions: This will remain unchanged for all essential workers.
  8. Specific Exemptions: If you have a specific responsibility which you feel is a necessity, such as picking up cargo, you may send a request to If your request is approved, you will receive a permission letter for this task only. In your request include: your name, description of the task, date and time it needs to be carried out.
  9. Outdoor activity: Persons are allowed to go for walks only within their village between the hours of 6-8 am and between 4-6pm. You are only allowed to walk with persons from your own household. If you encounter others while on your walk, you must practice social distancing. No specific exemption will be required for walking.

GIS Saba

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