Wednesday , March 12 2025

Saba, the Caribbean’s most magical island is one most tourists have never heard of

Although the travel industry at present is all but in a deep coma, good press coverage and promotion are always welcome, especially knowing that in the future travel and tourism will one day be back to normal. The article about Saba in the online travel magazine of Matador Network is nothing short of excellent PR for Saba as a travel destination.

In the article from April 23, 2020, titled “The Caribbean’s most magical island is one most tourists have never heard of”, writer Matthew Meltzer provides quite some practical information for those interested in a visit to the smallest island of Caribbean Netherlands.

The article starts off with:

“CARIBBEAN ISLANDS, man, they’re really all the same,” the older gentleman told me without my asking. We were sitting in an airport lounge in Miami, discussing where we were headed. He was flying to DC; I was going to the Caribbean. “You go there, there are some bars on the water, some stores, a mountain maybe. And that’s it!”

The man was a super-cruiser, the sort of person who takes every vacation on a floating city. And he was the particular subset of super-cruiser who never ventures much past the row of jewelry stores and fruity drink bars that line every port from Nassau to Newfoundland. Not to knock super-cruisers or cruise ports, mind you, but it seemed to me judging an entire region by its waterfront tourist traps seemed a little unfair.

“I dunno,” I said, not wanting to get into a heated debate with someone I’d likely never see again. “You ever been to Saba? It’s like nothing you’ve ever seen.”

“Saba? Never heard of it,” he said. “I don’t think anyone stops there.”

Intrigued? Read the full article HERE.

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