Wednesday , March 12 2025

Two COVID• 19 cases in St. Martin as ARS confirms a ‘sharp decline’

Regional Health Authority ARS announced that two more recoveries from COVID-19 on Friday have brought the num­ber of active cases in St. Martin to just two, one of whom is in the Marti­nique hospital.

ARS confirmed the vi­rus is in “sharp decline” as shown by no new cases reported for more than a week. This is also supported in the latest epidemiological bulle­tin from Sante Publique France.

However, ARS said polymerase chain reac­tion (PCR) testing is be­ing expanded to locate individuals who may be displaying mild symp­toms and individuals at particular risk. Testing is done to accurately assess the level of circulation of the virus.

“Our territories are for the moment classified in green, but let’s make sure that this remains so by respecting the confinement for a few more days and follow­ing the instructions that will be given for the exit of lockdown in the next few weeks,” the health authority said in its com­muniqué.

“Let’s not let the virus re-emerge, as we will not be able to implement a confinement strategy if the circulation of the vi­rus is boosted by failure to comply with the pro­tection measures.”

The Daily Herald.

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