Wednesday , March 12 2025

New Leo Club officers installed on Saturday

An induction and installation ceremony for the seven new officers of the Saba Unspoiled Queen Leo Club was held at Eu­genius Johnson Center in Windwardside on Saturday, July 11.

The Saba Leo Club has been dormant for some years and the sponsoring Saba Lions Club is happy to have its Leo Club active once again.

Front row (from left): Leo advisor and Leo Club Standing Committee chairperson Mary Thielman with Leos Vemisha Robinson, Amanda Clarke, Elizabeth Henry and Jade Ev­ery. Back row (from left): Standing Committee members Malusca Baker; Cecilia Yvonne Wilson and Franklin Wilson with Leos Kimson Guerrier, Theoni Wigley and Bernardo Baker.

Six Leos were installed as incoming officers and Leo Amanda Clarke was elect­ed as the club president for 2020-2021 during Satur­day’s ceremony.

Elizabeth Henry was elected to serve as the new club secretary. The club’s vice-president is Vernisha Robinson, treasurer is Jade Every, Leo tail-twister is Theoni Wigley, Leo tamer is Bernardo Baker and Kimson Guerrier is board member.

“As president of the Saba Leo Club my three main goals are to assist the island of Saba within the areas of health, environment and anti-bullying,” said Clarke.
The seven Leo Club mem­bers will be meeting at Eugenius Johnson Center on Saturday from 4:00 to 5:00pm.

Through the Leo Club programme, young people develop and practise lead­ership, organisational and social skills through par­ticipation in Leo Club ac­tivities and service projects. Involvement in these activi­ties often fosters a lifetime commitment to helping others, while enhancing the community, according to the Lions Club.

The Daily Herald.

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