Wednesday , March 12 2025

St. Maarten has 70 active cases

The Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labour VSA has confirmed four new COVID-19 cases as of Monday, August 3. This brings the total num­ber of positive COVCOVID-19ses to 150.

Of the active cases, the Collective Prevention Ser­vices (CPS) is monitoring 68 persons who are in home isolation.

VSA Minister Richard Pannefiek said, “We now have 70 active cases of per­sons who have contracted COVID-19.”

Of the active cases, one patient is currently hospi­talised and one patient is isolated and being moni­tored.

The total number of deaths due to COVID-19 remains at 16. The number of people recovered since the first case surfaced in St. Maarten earlier this year remains at 64.

There are currently 167 persons now in quarantine based on contact-tracing investigations carried out by CPS on persons who may have been in contact with any of the 70 active cases.

In a continued effort to control the spread of the virus CPS has now tested 239 persons at Princess Juliana International Air­port (PJIA) and 787 people throughout the community. As the number of positive cases continues to increase,

CPS will continue to ac­tively execute its contact-tracing measures.

Pannefiek reminds the community to continue to wear masks, practise so­cial distancing, sanitise your hands as frequently as possible and wash your hands with soap. “Togeth­er we shall overcome the spread of COVID-19 in St Maarten,” concluded Pan­neflek.

The Daily Herald.

August 4th Covid-19 update
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