Wednesday , March 12 2025

St. Maarten has 80 COVID-19 cases

St. Maarten has confirmed four new cases of persons who have tested positive for CO­VID-19.

The new total of confirmed cases now stands at 160. In just one week St. Maarten has seen 37 new cases re­corded, jumping from 47 to 80 cases in just seven days.

Of the active cases, Col­lective Prevention Services (CPS) is monitoring 76 peo­ple in home isolation, three patients are currently hospi­talised and one patient is iso­lated and being monitored. However, the total number of deaths due to COVID-19 remains at 16.

The number of people re­covered since the first case surfaced in St. Maarten ear­lier this year remains at 64. There are now 48 persons in quarantine based on contact-tracing investigations carried out by CPS on persons who may have been in contact with any of the 80 active cases.

In a continued effort to control, the spread of the vi­rus, CPS has now tested 262 persons at Princess Juliana International Airport (PJIA) and 853 persons throughout the community. As the num­ber of positive tests continues to increase, CPS said it will continue to actively execute its contact-tracing measures. If exposed to someone with the virus or experiencing flu-like symptoms, persons are asked to remain at home and contact their family doctor immediately. For any ques­tions or concerns, persons are advised to call CPS at emergency number 914.

The public is encouraged to continue to wear face masks, practise social distancing, sa­nitise hands as frequently as possible and wash hands with soap.

The Daily Herald.

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