Thursday , March 13 2025

Entrepreneurs to receive support from EZK again

Entrepreneurs who are faced with a loss of revenue due to the corona crisis and as a result have more difficulty covering their fixed costs, can again apply for a compensation from the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate (EZK). It concerns a new regulation where the compensation amount can range between $ 500 and $ 55,000. This one-off payment is in addition to the support in labor costs for companies (SZW Emergency Regulation) and follows the previous EZK compensation of $ 2,200 or $ 4,400.

In this new regulation, the amount of support is calculated on the basis of revenue figures of the company. Figures from March through June in 2019 are compared to figures of the same period in 2020. There must be at least a 30% loss of revenue due to the corona crisis in order to qualify. On the website of RCN there is a calculation module that entrepreneurs can use to easily calculate the amount that they may be entitled to. If the amount is $ 6,000 or more, a statement from their bookkeeper or accountant must be added to the application form to confirm the figures provided.

The compensation serves as support for the fixed costs for the period from June 13th to October 12th, 2020. Companies that want to apply for the regulation must be known to Belastingdienst Caribisch Nederland (BCN) since the 13th of March 2020 and be located on Bonaire, Saba or St. Eustatius. All conditions and additional information are available at (under ‘emergency package government’).

Because the Ministry of Economic Affairs has no implementing body in the Caribbean Netherlands, the RCN unit SZW implements this regulation. Fully completed and signed forms, together with the necessary attachments, can be sent by e-mail to starting Tuesday the 11th of August until Thursday the 12th of November 2020.

For support with submitting the application, please contact the Chamber of Commerce on Bonaire at If you have urgent questions, you can contact the RCN unit SZW at 781-5554 / 781-5558 (Bonaire), 790-0052 (St. Eustatius) and 416-3804 (Saba).


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