Thursday , March 13 2025

St. Maarten: Active cases rise by six

There are now 95 active cases of CO­VID-19 in the country as of Monday, up by six since the last numbers were released on Sunday.

According to the figures released by the Ministry of Public Health, Social Devel­opment and Labour VSA on Monday, a total of 13 new cases were confirmed, while seven persons have recov­ered.

Of the 95 active cases, 89 persons are in insolation at home and six have been hos­pitalised. One of the hospi­talised patients is in the hos­pital’s isolation facility.

According to VSA Minister Richard Panneflek, a total of 156 persons are now in quarantine based on con­tact-tracing done by VSAs Collective Prevention Ser­vices (CPS).

Additionally, 482 travel­lers arriving at Princess Ju­liana International Airport (PHA) have been tested. Panneflek told Members of Parliament (MPs) on Friday
that one person who arrived on a flight from the United States (US) had tested posi­tive.

“Statistics show clusters are affiliated with night life — bars, nightclubs, and adult entertainment. I urge all to continue to wear your masks, practise social dis­tancing, sanitise your hands as frequently as possible, wash your hands with soap, and avoid mass gatherings.

“If persons do not adhere to the protocols set in place, government will be forced to consider imposing more stringent measures,” said Panneflek.

The Daily Herald.

Tuesday, August 11th. Address Island Governor Jonathan Johnson
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