Thursday , March 13 2025

Foster parents wanted

Every child deserves to grow up in a safe environment with love and structure. Unfortunately, that is not possible for all children. For those children Youth Care Caribbean Netherlands (Jeugdzorg Caribisch Nederland) is looking for foster parents. People who want to take care of someone else’s child temporarily. Parents that are patient, who can provide care, a listening ear and emotional support.

Last week, the Youth Care Caribbean Netherlands started a campaign to recruit foster parents on Bonaire, Saba and St. Eustatius. With the campaign, Youth Care hopes to recruit at least 20 new foster families. This is needed because there is a shortage of foster families in these areas. This results in children being put on a waiting list for an unnecessarily long time.

Youth Care is not only looking for full-time foster parents for a few months up to years, but also foster parents for one (or a part of a) day, a week, during the weekends, or holidays. All types of foster care can make a significant difference to a child.

Would you also like to become a foster parent?

Are you 21 or older, are you confident and can you offer a child love, structure and safety? Then consider becoming a foster parent. Being a foster parent requires a lot, but you also get a lot in return. This is made clear in the Youth Care campaign by foster parents with a lot of experience: “I’m a foster mother because our children are our future. Every seed we sow can lead to a beautiful harvest. Some moments are more difficult than others, because of what my foster child has been through. But when I see her smile and see that she can be herself, I remember why I do it.” Foster parent support

Foster parents are supported by Youth Care. A plan of action is drawn up and consultation takes place regularly with the Youth Care professional and, if possible, with the biological parents. The costs of caring for the foster child are compensated.  The amount of the allowance depends on the age of the foster child.

More information?
For more information or to request a brochure about foster care, please contact Youth Care Caribbean Netherlands:

Bonaire: (+599) 715 7201
Saba: (+599) 416 3718/416 3819
St. Eustatius (+599) 318 3104/318 3105


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