Thursday , March 13 2025

St. Maarten: Active cases continue to decline in numbers

~~Two more deaths recorded ~~

A record number of 41 persons are confirmed as recovered of COVID-19.

As of September 1, St. Maarten has confirmed six new cases of persons who have tested positive for COVID-19. This brings the total active cases to 222 and the total of confirmed cases now stands at 482.

Collective Prevention Ser­vices (CPS) has reported two additional deaths. One person passed away on July 30 and the second on Au­gust 26. Both were living on the French side of the island but were registered as Dutch-side residents. Uncertainty about their official residence status led to a delay in reporting.

Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labour VSA Richard Pan­neflek extended his deepest condolences to the families.

Of the active cases, CPS is monitoring 216 persons in home isolation. Six patients are currently hospitalised and the total number of deaths due to COVID-19 has increased to 19.

The number of persons re­covered since the first case surfaced in St. Maarten has increased to 241. There are 208 persons in quarantine. based on contact-tracing investigations carried out by CPS of persons who may have been in contact with any of the active cases.

To further control the spread of the virus, CPS has tested 786 travellers arriv­ing at Princess Juliana In­ternational Airport, (PHA) and 1,597 persons through­out the community. As the number of positive cases continues to increase, CPS will continue to actively execute. its contact-tracing measures.

“We would hereby like to make it clear that the fig­ures will change as we re­ceive lab confirmation from SLS/HCLS [St. Maarten Laboratory Services’
Health Care Laboratory St. Maarten — Ed.]. This is due to lab results pending,” said Panneflek.

“For the safety of yourself, your loved ones and the community, please remain at home and contact your family doctor immediately if you have been exposed to someone with the virus or experiencing flu-like symp­toms.

With the increase in posi­tive cases … do your part and wear your masks, prac­tise social distancing, avoid greeting by hugging and kissing, sanitise your hands as frequently as possible, wash your hands with soap, and refrain from mass gath­erings.”

The Daily Herald.

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