Thursday , March 13 2025

St. Maarten: Eight new active COVID•19 cases

— Nine new recoveries recorded —

COV­ID-19 cases increased with eight new active cases re­corded by the Ministry of Public Health on Wednes­day, September 16. The total number of active cases is now down to 61 and the new total of positive cases for St. Maarten is cur­rently 557.

Collective Prevention Services (CPS) is monitor­ing 56 persons in home isolation. There are now 102 persons in quarantine. The number of persons who have recovered since the first case surfaced in St. Maarten has increased by nine, bringing the total number to 477.

Four persons are currently hospitalised at St. Maarten Medical Center (SMMC) and one patient is isolated and being monitored. The total number of COVID­19-related deaths remains at 19.

CPS has tested 961 trav­ellers arriving at Princess Juliana International Air­port, (PJIA) and 1,840 persons throughout the community.

CPS said that as the num­bers continue to fluctuate, the department will con­tinue to actively execute its contact-tracing measures.

“As we continue to re­cord more recoveries on a daily basis [I — Ed.] urge all to continue wearing your masks, practising social distancing, sanitise your hands frequently, wash your hands with soap, and refrain from mass gather­ings in continuous efforts to achieve our zero goal,” said Minister of Public Health Richard Panneflek.

The Daily Herald.

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One comment

  1. René Caderius van Veen

    “COV­ID-19 cases increased with eight new active cases re­corded by the Ministry of Public Health on Wednes­day, September 16”.
    Why just those statistics? Why not revealing what the sources of the infections are, what the hotspots are?
    Is it just because the government on St Maarten does not want to take new or more relevant measures???