Thursday , March 13 2025

St. Maarten: 28 persons recover from COVID•19

— One additional active case —

The Col­lective Prevention Services (CPS) has reported 28 persons who have recov­ered from COVID-19 as of Thursday, October 8.

One person has tested positive for COVID-19, bringing the total active cases to 57. The total num­ber of confirmed cases is now 699.

CPS is currently monitor­ing 57 persons in home iso­lation. There are now 133 persons in quarantine.

The number of persons re­covered since the first case surfaced on St. Maarten has increased to 620.

No patients are hospital­ised at St. Maarten Medi­cal Center (SMMC) due to COVID-19. The total num­ber of COVID-19-related deaths remains at 22.

CPS has tested 1,079 trav­ellers arriving at Princess Juliana International Air­port (PJIA) and 4,674 per­sons throughout the com­munity.

CPS said as the numbers continue to fluctuate, the department will continue to actively execute its contact-tracing measures.

“Acting together, we can continue to slow down the spread of the virus by wear­ing your masks, practising the two-metre social dis­tancing, sanitise and wash your hands frequently and refrain from mass gather­ings,” said Minister of Pub­lic Health, Social Devel­opment and Labour VSA Richard Panneflek.

The Daily Herald.

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One comment

  1. The most important question remains: “where are all those new cases everyday are coming from?”