In recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness month a Pink Fashion Runway Show was held at the Sunny Valley Youth Centre, on Saba, last Friday evening.

Dressed in pink attire several individuals and groups displayed posters they created to spread awareness about early detection and fighting the disease. Using the information that was shared on the posters, those in attendance were quizzed and had a chance to win prizes, which were donated by several businesses on the island.
This event was initiated by Patricia Charles-Nation, whose mom is a breast cancer survivor. This recognition of women and men who survived or may have lost their lives to the disease, will continue next Saturday, October 24th with a Pink Ribbon Cocktail Party at 7:00pm.
The annual Breast Cancer Walk will be held on Friday, October 29th at 6:00pm, starting at the Tourist Office in Windwardside.
GIS Saba