In June, the Public Entity Saba received and approved a proposal for a Gray Water Transportation Service during the dry season for local farmers. The dry season consists of six months from January through June. During a normal dry season, each farmer will receive 2,000 gallons of water per month. During a severe drought, this amount can be increased up to 4,000 gallons.

People who have penned or restrained animals will also receive assistance of 2,000 – 3,000 gallons per month, depending on the size of the herd. To be noted is that as this is gray water, it is only suitable for the watering of plants and cleaning of the various facilities housing animals. It is not suitable as drinking water for the animals. It is the hope of the Public Entity Saba, that with the provision of the gray water for farmers during the dry season, local residents will be stimulated towards more agricultural pursuits.
GIS Saba