Friday , September 20 2024

Child Focus Foundation at award ceremony at the Noordeinde Palace

Child Focus Foundation project leader Stacey Simmons and co-founder/chairperson Henriette van Heijnsbergen attended the Appeltje van Oranje award ceremony at the Noordeinde Palace in The Hague on May 18.


In November Child Focus presented their After School Activities project in Curacao to a panel of Oranje Fonds representatives. Child Focus Foundation from Saba and the K1 Britannia Foundation from St. Maarten were selected as the nominees from the Caribbean Netherlands to proceed to the final round.

The Appeltjes van Oranje prizes are awarded annually to three social initiatives that successfully connect different groups of people in society. The winners included, The Weekend Academy and Stichting Informele Zorg Twente.

This was the 15th anniversary of the Oranje Fonds which was a wedding gift to King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima from the people of the Netherlands.

The Daily Herald.

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One comment

  1. STACY is a God Send…when it comes to….any project!!! Child Focus has One great Leader in Her. She is Trusted for her Fairness….Has Such Compassion..& Is In Tune with WHAT the island children desire & need! We ALL look up to her for her Contributions to Saba…And All Of Us!!! From the Plays to art projects and assistance with more and more!!!