Wednesday , March 12 2025

CBS: “Trends in the Caribbean Netherlands 2017” is out

  • “On 1st of January 2017, there were 24,439 people living in the Caribbean Netherlands”
  • “The population density of Saba was 150/km2 on January 1st 2017”
  • “On Bonaire the median disposable income in private households in 2015 was $23,6 thousand”
  •  “In 2016 there was a 47% increase in value of goods exported in St Eustatius”

This and a wide range of useful statistics on local society, economy and more are included in the new CBS publication: “Trends in the Caribbean Netherlands 2017” that is published today.

Click to download the publication (97 MB)


Free paper copies will soon be available at our office on Bonaire.

In the meantime if you have any questions you can contact us through facebook ( or e-mail:

CBS: Trends in the Caribbean Netherlands 2018
What happens with your tax money? - RCN explains (4 th video published)