Wednesday , March 12 2025

Dutch Museum Saba participant in 2018 Year of European Culture.

On Dec 7, 2017 The European Council and European Parliament Decision designating 2018 as the European Year of Cultural Heritage was adopted on 17 May 2017, based on the European Commission’s proposal of 30 August 2016

The year belongs to all to experience, appreciate, and enjoy cultural heritage. Everyone is invited to join the thousands of activities taking place across Europe to involve people more closely with cultural heritage.

Each Member State has appointed a National Coordinator to implement the year and in the year’s activities.

At European level, all EU institutions are committed to making the year a success. The European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union, as well as the Committee of the Regions and the European Economic and Social Committee will organise events to celebrate the year and launch activities focusing on cultural heritage.

In addition, the EU will fund projects supporting cultural heritage. A dedicated call for cooperation projects relating to the year has been launched under the Creative Europe programme. A wealth of additional opportunities will be available under Erasmus+, Europe for Citizens, Horizon 2020, and other EU programmes.

To make sure our efforts leave an imprint beyond 2018, the Commission, in collaboration with the Council of Europe, UNESCO, and other partners, will be running ten long-term impact projects. These will include activities with schools, research on innovative solutions for re-using heritage buildings or the fight against illicit trafficking of cultural goods. The objective is to help trigger real change in the way we enjoy, protect and promote heritage, making sure that the European Year benefits citizens in the longer term.

It is an honour for Dutch Museum Saba that it has been accepted as one of the activities. Even more than in the past we will explain to visitors the European relations of all Dutch antiquities. Those relations are mainly French, Belgian, Portuguese, German and in an indirect way Italian. Apart from European connections there are also worldwide connections with China and  Japan.

The museum will – as always – be open each and every day from 1 – 5 pm and  also the videos and presentations about the West India Company will remain possible.

See also

Press release Dutch Museum

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