Wednesday , March 12 2025

SCS meets WeConnect

Some 15 students of the 5th form of Saba Comprehensive School (SCS) were informed about studying abroad. Dahlia Hassell, a master student Marine Resources Management at Wageningen University and Research, visited her former high school during her holidays to give a personal lecture. She did that on behalf of Stichting WeConnect, an educational foundation based in the Netherlands, with a focus on students and young professionals from the Caribbean part of the Kingdom.

Dahlia grew up on Saba and studied both in the USA as in the Netherlands.
Carol Irvine Skinner, Guidance Counselor at SCS, was enthusiastic about Dahlia sharing her knowledge: “Her experience in the US college system also helped to bring a knowledgeable perspective of both the US and Dutch college system.” She added: “Her emphasis on the importance of having support stood out most for me and how networking is beneficial to them as college students.”

Dahlia with SCS students

Familiar face
Also the students reflected positively on the information that Dahlia gave them: “I now have a more solid view on studying in Holland.” And: “She sounded reliable and experienced.” The 16 year old students liked the practical tips about housing, where to get cheap furniture and how to survive budget wise. Dahlia Hassell being from Saba and thus, a familiar name and face, also helped.

WeConnect manager Tanja Fraai: “Our WeConnect Foundation very much stimulates peer-to-peer exchange. Recently, one of our WeConnect young professionals went to Aruba to give information on her former high school. These youngster speak the language of their peers and know exactly how to get the message across.” One of the students suggested to offer this kind of information earlier, even in 4th form. An interesting idea that will be discussed with Saba Comprehensive School.

WeConnect – Tanja Fraai

The Police notifies:
New Satel communication bundles slash communication costs on Saba (correction)