Thursday , March 13 2025

Information security RCN will be tackled

The objection made by the Court of Audit (in Dutch: Algemene Rekenkamer) against the information security of the Rijksdienst Caribisch Nederland has been withdrawn. In response to the objection, the Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK) immediately took measures to remove the most urgent risks. An RCN information security improvement plan has been drawn up, which includes measures for the short and (medium) long term and management measures.

In the short term, a number of shortcomings have already been corrected. For example, measures have been taken to prevent a link between the networks of the Caribbean Netherlands and the networks of the European Netherlands.

Not all measures can be realized today or tomorrow. But they will be realized with urgency and perseverance. Everyone feels the necessity.


Saba plans to buy modern waste-processing system
Central Committee and Island Council meet on Thursday, May 24