Friday , October 18 2024

Commissioner Wilson salutes nurses

International Nurses Day is celebrated around the world every May 12, the anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s birth, and Saba Commissioner of Public Health Rolando Wilson wants to give this special group of professionals the attention that they deserve, especially in times of the corona virus.

International nursing day, a global celebration of the nursing profession to commemorate the birthday of the founder of modern-day nursing Florence Nightingale, is an opportunity to recognize all of our nurses who play an invaluable role of delivering quality care to the sick, suffering or on the road to recovery, stated Wilson.

This year’s theme “Nurses: A Voice to lead, Nursing the world to Health,” selected by the International Council of Nurses, comes at a time when the entire world is in turmoil with the coronavirus that causes the severe COVID-19 illness, Wilson pointed out.

“I admire the leadership and role that our nurses here at home deliver to our citizens. The role of the nurses is one in which dedication is a major factor and now more than ever it is my hope that we will continue to have a strong and dedicated nursing fraternity,” the Commissioner stated.

Over the years the Saba Health Care Foundation has been investing very heavily in the overall upgrading of Saba’s nursing fraternity. “As your Commissioner I am forever grateful for this. Because of this our nurses can meet the many challenges that come before them on a daily basis.”

On this International Nurses Day, it is my hope that with the coronavirus. our nursing fraternity will continue to play a vigilant role and most of all safeguarding themselves for any eventuality as much as they protect the community at large. We are in this all together and let us remain committed to the cause,” Wilson stated.

Due to the safety measures that has been put in place because of the pandemic, Saba cannot celebrate the event as is customary this year. “But I would like to wish all of our nurses a blessed International Nurses Day and it is my hope that we do not have to encounter any major problems as a result of the current pandemic,” said the Commissioner, who noted that he was always available to hear any possible grievances to have a satisfied working fraternity.

On behalf of the Executive Council, Wilson saluted all nurses working at Saba’s two institutions and community-based health care settings. He also mentioned the health care workers, ambulance drivers, doctors and Red Cross volunteers who risk their own lives to save others.

“Government is fully aware of the strides we have made in public health and the well-being of the people, all of which could not be achieved without your service and effort. I congratulate all of you on this your special day. Continue the good work for the community of our little island. May God bless all of you,” the Commissioner concluded.

GIS Saba

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